How Do You Fix a DNS Server Error in the Asus Router?

DNS Server Error

It might be annoying to get a DNS server error, particularly when attempting to access a particular website or establish an internet connection. Asus routers are well-known for their dependability and efficiency, but just like any other technology, problems can occasionally arise. DNS server failures are a frequent issue that users encounter. We’ll discuss DNS server issues, their causes, and—most importantly—how to resolve them on your Asus router in this post.

Comprehending DNS Server Errors: DNS, or Domain Name System, converts human-readable domain names into computer-understandable HTTP addresses. Your router contacts a DNS server when you enter a URL into your browser to obtain the relevant IP address and establish a connection that allows you to access the website. DNS server failures will result from your router’s inability to translate domain names into IP addresses, nevertheless, if there is a DNS server problem,

Typical Reasons for DNS Server Errors:

DNS server failures on your Asus router might be caused by a number of factors:

  • DNS Server Outage: Occasionally, problems or outages with the DNS server itself may cause your internet connection to be disrupted.
  • Incorrect DNS Settings: DNS issues may arise from incorrectly configured or out-of-date DNS settings on your network.
  • Network Congestion: DNS resolution might be delayed by heavy network traffic or congestion.
  • Router Firmware Problems: Software issues or outdated router firmware might occasionally cause DNS to perform poorly.

Let’s now go over how to resolve DNS server issues on your Asus router:

  • Restart Your Router: By doing this, you can reset the router’s configuration and create a fresh DNS server connection.
  • Examine the status of the DNS server: Examine the status of the DNS server you are using to make sure it is up and running. This can be accomplished by going to the DNS server status page or by using internet tools to determine whether it is available.
  • Update DNS Settings: Verify that your Asus router’s DNS settings are accurate. These settings are often located under the WAN or Internet settings in the admin interface of the router. For improved performance and dependability, think about utilizing a reputable DNS provider like Cloudflare DNS ( or Google DNS ( and
  • Clear the DNS Cache: The issue can be coming from a cached DNS record on your network. Resolving this issue may include flushing the DNS cache. To accomplish this, execute the Asus router login into the admin panel, navigate to the DNS settings, and choose the flush DNS cache option.
  • Update Router Firmware: Verify that the most recent firmware version is installed on your Asus router.
  • Reset Router Settings: You can attempt to restore your Asus router to its original factory settings with router.asus.login if everything else fails. All customized configurations will be removed by this process, so be sure to back up any crucial settings before proceeding. Reconfigure the router’s settings and try the connection once more after doing so.

End thoughts

DNS server problems on your Asus router can be annoying, but you can easily fix the problem and resume your online activities by following the correct troubleshooting procedures. You may efficiently troubleshoot and fix DNS server issues by restarting your router, checking the health of the DNS server, changing DNS settings, clearing the DNS cache, updating router firmware, and resetting router settings if needed. Keep in mind to carefully follow these instructions, and if you need more help, check the technical forums or Asus support. You can guarantee seamless and continuous internet connectivity with your Asus router by exercising a little patience and persistence.

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